الثلاثاء، 29 أكتوبر 2013


makeup tips for dry skin
While ladies with dry skin may not be reaching for the oil blotters on an hourly basis like their oily skin counterparts, being on the drier side of the skin spectrum does pose its own unique set of challenges. Yesterday professional makeup artist Virginia Linzee spilled her oily skin secrets. Today she’s dishing on all the ins and outs of dry skin.

1. Hydrate From the Inside Out

“Number one: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! You can never get enough water, which moisturizes you from within,” says Linzee. Word to the wise for all you coffee drinkers, “If you drink coffee, it can dehydrate your skin even more. So for every cup of coffee, drink two cups of water.” Drink up, ladies! Eating fruits and vegetables with high water content is another good way to sneak in a little extra skin-saving H20.

2. Cleanse with Care

“For dry skin, make sure you use a gentle cleanser without any harsh agents. Oil based cleansers or bars are perfect. Olive fruit, jojoba and almond oil make great bases to cleanse the skin.” Beauty bonus: cleansing oils are excellent at removing all traces of makeup. Try Shu Uemura Ultime8 Sublime Beauty Cleansing Oil or AmorePacific Treatment Cleansing Oil Face & Eyes.

3. Don’t Skimp on Skin Prep

Smooth skin is critical to a flake-free foundation application. To keep the flakes at bay, proper exfoliation is a must. “So keep that Clarisonic going!” Linzee also stresses the importance of a good moisturizer to be used every morning and night.

4. Add Moisture While You Apply Foundation

Finding the right foundation for you skin type can sometimes require an extensive search, but Linzee assured us dry skin can fare well with a variety of foundations. The key to keeping dry skin looking fresh and flawless is all in the foundation application. Linzee says to use a damp Beauty Blender sponge and press it into the skin for added hydration, even as you apply makeup.

5. Don’t Forget Your Lips

Dry skin doesn’t just manifest itself as flakes on your face; it can also wreak havoc on your lips–especially this time of year. You have to find a lip balm full of hydrating ingredients. Linzee is fan of Earth Tu Face Face+Lips+Body Balm.

Let’s hear your dry skin tips! Share them in the comments below.

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